From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the options dialog.
You can choose from these options on the left hand side:
From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the settings dialog. Please select a setting on the left and change the respective values on the right side. Click the OK button to save your settings.
Change general system settings for the Enterprise Console.

Enterprise Console Options
Show in Tray
By default this setting is enabled. With this setting enabled, a PRTG icon appears in the Windows tray. When you point your mouse to it, it will show information with the most important status information about your monitoring. With a right-click you can access a menu with access to the most important functions.
To use any alerting functionalities (see System—Alerting section), you must enable this option. If the tray icon is not shown, no alerting from the Enterprise Console is available.
Start with Windows
This setting is only available to change only if you enable the tray option above. By default this setting is enabled. With this setting enabled, the Enterprise Console will start up automatically when Windows starts.
Clear "Tray Blink Notification" automatically
This setting is only available to change only if you enable the tray option above. Whenever there are new entries in the Alarms list, the tray icon will start blinking. If you enable this option, the tray icon will stop blinking automatically as soon as there are no more alarms.
With this option disabled, the icon will keep blinking, even if all alarms are cleared meanwhile.
Restore last viewpoint after application start
If this option is enabled, the Enterprise Console saves information about the currently shown view (for example, sensor details, a certain graph, or a map). It is written to the registry when you close or exit the program. When you open the Enterprise Console again, it will try to restore the same view.
Only if the object is not available any more (due to changes on the server, or due to unavailability of a server), the default view loads.
Update Interval (Sec.)
Define the number of seconds that the Enterprise Console waits before the screen refreshes. Please enter an integer value. Default value is 60 seconds. You can use the up and down arrows to go one second up or down.
Choose the language for the Enterprise Console from the drop down menu. Default is English. Depending on your installation, you can choose other languages here.
This setting only influences the language of the Enterprise Console.
From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the settings dialog. Please select a setting on the left and change the respective values on the right side. Click the OK button to save your settings.
You can define what the Enterprise Console will do in case of new Alarms, Log Entries, or Tickets. The settings are the same for all of these three cases, but you can individually define them for each case. On the left side, select either Alerting for new Alarms, Alerting for new Log Entries, or Alerting for new Tickets and define the settings as follows.
All alerting options only take effect if you enable the Show in Tray option in the system settings above. If the tray icon is disabled, there will be no alerting from the Enterprise Console.
Blink Tray Icon
The tray icon will blink if there are new items to be alerted for. You can additionally set the Clear Tray Blink Notification automatically option in the system settings above.
Balloon Info in Tray
Show a balloon info next to the PRTG tray icon if there are new items to be alerted for.
Popup Message
Show a popup message window if there are new items to be alerted for.
The popup window will be always on top until it is closed.
Play Sound
Play an audible notification if there are new items to be alerted for. There is a default sound defined. To change it, please click the folder icon and select any standard WAV file from your hard disk drive. PRTG already comes with a small set of sounds you can choose from.
The sound file is only played on the computer running the Enterprise Console.
Open Enterprise Console
Open the Enterprise Console if there are new items to be alerted for.
Device Tools
From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the settings dialog. Please select a setting on the left and change the respective values on the right side. Click the OK button to save your settings.
In the Device Tools settings you can define commands that will be available in the Windows Menu and context menu of groups, devices, and sensors. A command to initiate a remote desktop connection is already predefined.
You may need to run the Enterprise Console as administrator to make the tool function work with your Windows version.
Click the Add button to add a new command, or choose an existing one from the list and click the Edit button to change the settings. Use the Delete button to remove an entry from the list.
Enter a custom name for your command. The command will show up with this name in context menus. Please enter a string.
Enter the command you want to execute on the local machine.
This can be, for example the name of a program or script, with or without path, according to your system's configuration.
Enter the parameters with which you want to execute the command.
You can use the placeholders (variables) from section Parameters—Available Placeholders. Other placeholders are not possible. During runtime, these placeholders are replaced by the respective values set for the monitoring object you select to execute this device tool.
For example, the %id placeholder will be replaced by the ID of a group, a device, or a sensor, depending on which object you execute the command for.
Select a key shortcut for the command. Choose an F-key from the list or select None to not use a key.
Parameters—Available Placeholders
The following placeholders (variables) are available in the Enterprise Console.



The object's ID as shown in the page header on the object's details page



The object's Name



The sensor's or device's IP Address/DNS Name



The sensor's Last Message



The sensor's Last Result value



The sensor's Type
If you use a placeholder in combination with an object it is not available for, it will simply not be resolved but the placeholder itself will be returned.
To see the output of all placeholders for different objects you can create a simple test tool that displays the output in a command line window. Just create a tool with the command cmd and the following content in the Parameters field:
/K echo.id: %id && echo.name: %name
&& echo.host: %host && echo.message: %message
&& echo.value: %value && echo.type: %type
Right-click an object in the device tree and run the tool from the Tools option in the menu (either Windows or context menu).
Select External Browser
From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the settings dialog. Please select a setting on the left and change the respective values on the right side. Click the OK button to save your settings.
With these settings you can define which browser the Enterprise Console will use when you select a command that requires to open an external browser window, for example, when you select View | Open in Web Browser from the Windows menu of the EC. You can only select browsers installed on the system running the Enterprise Console, other browser options are disabled.
By default, the system's default browser is opened. To change the Enterprise Console's behavior, choose between:
- Use system default browser (browser.exe)
- Use IE (Version: x)
Only Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is supported by the Ajax web interface! Please do not use it with Internet Explorer 10 or earlier! We recommend that you use Google Chrome 59 or later (recommended) or Mozilla Firefox 54 or later as external browser.
- Use Firefox (Version: x)
- Use Chrome (Version: x)
- Use Safari (Version: x)
Proxy Settings
From the Windows menu of the Enterprise Console, select File | Options... to open the settings dialog. Please select a setting on the left and change the respective values on the right side. Click the OK button to save your settings.
If the connection to the PRTG core servers requires a proxy connection, you can set it here.
No Proxy
Use a direct connection to the servers.
Use System Settings
Use your Windows default settings, configured in Internet Explorer. To view these settings, open the Internet Explorer on your system and select Tools | Internet Options from the menu. Select the Connections tab and click the LAN settings button.
Manual Proxy Configuration
Manually enter a proxy configuration. Enter the IP address or DNS name of the proxy, a port number, as well as username and password (if required by the proxy).
Only basic authentication is available!
Settings Storage
For each individual Windows user account, the settings of the Enterprise Console are stored in the Windows registry.
For details, see section Data Storage.
Enterprise Console—Topics
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