<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: System Administration—Notification Delivery
To open system administration, select Setup | System Administration from the main menu. Click on the tabs to change the different settings.

System Administration Bar
You can define the following aspects of your PRTG system setup:
In the notification delivery settings you can define global settings for notification delivery. If you do not want to use a specific notification method, just leave the respective fields empty.
This option is not available in PRTG in the cloud.
If you use PRTG on premises and open the system administration page from another administration page, PRTG will ask you to enter your credentials again for security reasons if 15 minutes (900 seconds) have passed since your last credential-based login. A dialog box will appear. Enter your Login Name and Password for PRTG in the corresponding fields and confirm to continue.
This section describes one of four steps to set up the notification system in PRTG. A complete notification setup involves:
- Checking and setting up the Notification Delivery settings. This tells PRTG how and where to send messages.
For detailed information, see System Administration—Notification Delivery.
- Checking and setting up Notification Contacts for the users of your PRTG installation. This defines where to send notifications.
For detailed information, see Account Settings—Notification Contacts.
- Checking and setting up Notifications. This defines the kind of message and its content.
For detailed information, see Account Settings—Notifications.
- Checking and setting up Notification Triggers for objects. This provokes the defined notifications.
For detailed information, see Sensor Notifications Settings.
We recommend that you always set up at least two notifications with different delivery methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails (due to an email server failure or other reasons), PRTG can still notify you via your smartphone. Simply set your latency setting to a state trigger and a notification via a delivery method other than the one for the first trigger. Or set up a second trigger with another notification for the corresponding object.
For background information, please see the Notifications section.
Notification Delivery Settings
This documentation refers to the PRTG System Administrator user accessing the Ajax interface on a master node. If you use other user accounts, interfaces, or nodes, you might not see all of the options in the way described here. If you use a cluster installation, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.
SMTP Delivery Mechanism
- Direct delivery using built-in email relay server (default)
- Use SMTP relay server (recommended inside LANs/NATs): Set up your own SMTP relay server to send emails. Enter data below.
- Use two SMTP relay servers (primary and fallback server)

Sender Email
Enter an email address to use as sender of all emails. This setting is global and can only be changed centrally here.
Sender Name
Enter a name to use as sender of all emails. This setting is global and can only be changed centrally here.
HELO Ident
Enter the HELO Ident for SMTP. This must be a unique name, preferably the DNS name of the machine running PRTG. See SMTP RFC 2821: The sender-SMTP must ensure that the domain parameter in a HELO command is a valid principal host domain name for the client host.
SMTP Relay Server
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP relay server above. Enter the IP address or DNS name of the SMTP relay server.
SMTP Relay SMTP Port
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP relay server above. Enter the port number the SMTP relay server is running on. Standard value is 25.
SMTP Relay Authentication
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP relay server above. Select the kind of authentication required for the SMTP server. Choose between:
- No authentication is required: Use SMTP without authentication.
- Use standard SMTP authentication: Use standard authentication.
- SASL authentication is required: Use secure authentication via Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).
SMTP Relay User
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP authentication above. Enter a valid username.
SMTP Relay Password
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP authentication above. Enter a valid password.
Use Encrypted Connection
This field is only visible if you enable SMTP relay server above. Enter the security level for SMTP connections. Choose between:
- Never: Use insecure connection with plain text transfer.
- If supported by server: Use a secure connection (default).
SSL Method
This setting is only visible if you enable SMTP relay server and encryption above. It is only relevant for secure connections. Select the SSL or TLS version that your SMTP device supports.
We recommend that you use the default value. If you do not get a connection, try with another setting. Choose between:
- SSL V2
- SSL V2 or V3
- SSL V3
- TLS V1
- TLS V1.1
- TLS V1.2
SMTP Relay Server (Fallback)
These fields are only visible if you enable the option for two SMTP relay servers above. Please see also the settings that you made for your primary SMTP relay server.
SMTP Relay SMTP Port (Fallback)
SMTP Relay Authentication (Fallback)
Use Encrypted Connection (Fallback)
SSL Method (Fallback)
SMTP Relay User (Fallback)
SSL Method (Fallback)
SMTP Relay User (Fallback)
SMTP Relay Password (Fallback)
Security (Fallback)
Although PRTG has built-in support for the Application Programming Interface (API) of some SMS providers, we cannot officially provide support regarding these SMS service providers. If you have technical questions about SMS delivery beyond PRTG, please contact your SMS provider directly.
Instead of using a pre-configured provider you can always use a custom URL, enabling you to use extended parameters (this is also an alternative when using providers for which we offer pre-configured options).
You need an internet connection to send text messages via the HTTP API.
For information about sending SMS via separate hardware using third party software, please see this Knowledge Base article: How can I send SMS text message notifications via a modem or a mobile phone with PRTG?
Configuration Mode
- Select an SMS provider from a list of providers: Select a provider from a list below.
- Enter a custom URL for a provider not listed: Use another provider and enter the service URL manually below.
Service Provider
This field is only visible if you choose the provider list above. Select a service provider from the list. PRTG offers a small incomplete list of providers.
Some providers might require a port configuration in your firewall. For details, please see this Knowledge Base article: Which URLs does PRTG use for its preconfigured SMS providers?
This field is only visible if you choose the provider list above. Enter a username for the service provider account.
This field is only visible if you choose the provider list above. Enter a password for the service provider account.
API ID / Account
This field is only visible if you choose the provider list above. Some providers need an additional API ID or account information. If provided, enter it here. Please enter a string or leave the field empty.
Custom URL
This field is only visible if you enable the custom provider option above. From the documentation of your SMS provider, please enter the service URL that is used to send SMS messages.
Use the following placeholders for the recipient phone number and the text message:
Please use the GET method to request the custom URL. POST requests are not supported.
Custom URL-SNI
Select if PRTG will send the SNI extension to the TLS protocol along with the HTTP request. Choose between:
- Do not send SNI (default): PRTG will not send an SNI when executing the HTTP action.
- Send SNI: PRTG will send an SNI when calling the target URL. Specify the SNI below.
Virtual Host (SNI)
This field is only visible if you select the SNI option above. Enter the SNI name that your endpoint configuration requires. Usually, this is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the virtual host.
Encoding for SMS
Define the encoding of the URL string that PRTG sends to your provider. Choose between:
- ANSI local system codepage (default)
- UTF-8
- UTF-16
Maximum Length of Text
Some SMS providers will not allow SMS messages exceeding a certain amount of characters. PRTG will restrict the number of characters according to the length specified in this field. A value of 0 means the SMS is sent at its full length.
The notification methods Send SMS/Pager Message and Execute HTTP Action will use the central proxy settings defined for your PRTG core server. For details, please see System Administration—Core & Probes (section Proxy Configuration).
Click Save to save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu, all changes to the settings will be lost!
Knowledge Base: How can I send SMS text message notifications via a modem or a mobile phone with PRTG?
Knowledge Base: Why do I get a connection timeout message when sending SMS via bulksms?
Knowledge Base: Which URLs does PRTG use for its preconfigured SMS providers?
Knowledge Base: How can PRTG send instant messages to Jabber, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc., using external software?
Knowledge Base: Can GMail / Google Apps be used for SMTP relay?
Knowledge Base: How can I enable Notification Delivery Logging?
Knowledge Base: How can I include my own logo into HTML emails?
There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool, available as native Windows application. For more details, please see the sections: